October 16, 2022
History of the Coffee Bean – A Journey up to Present-Day Honduras

Nowadays, we purchase coffee from dynamic businesses fed by trade relationships we usually take for granted. From dragon fruit to maple syrup, to avocadoes, stores and shops offer a variety of non-native crops and plant-based products. Foods harvested in exotic places make their way to our stores thousands of miles away. They’ve been shipped from […]

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October 15, 2022
E1 | Meet the Founders: Phil and Donna Waldron
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October 15, 2022
The Wonder of Coffee in Different Forms

Coffee is such a commonplace drink that we often don’t think about how powerful it is. A big cup provides a burst of energy. It brings people together, making them open up. Regular coffee drinking can even ward off depression. So the variety of forms of brewed coffee that can delight diverse preferences is like […]

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October 14, 2022
Coffee Roast Profiles And Honduran Coffee

Many different types and preparations of coffee are hyped up these days. It’s hard to know which types of coffee merit our attention. Is it coffee from the coffee-famous countries in Central and South America? Is the magic in the altitude or the roast? What about roasting in small batches, does it matter? These are […]

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October 13, 2022
Coffee Purchases Can Influence the Future of Youth

Helping a young person grow up well is a complicated endeavor. However, sometimes small steps make a big difference. Subida Coffee Co.’s greater organization, the Moses Project, operates with a mission of empowering youth with education. In Santa Rosa de Copan, coffee growth and purchases from customers in North America invest in students’ futures. In […]

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August 5, 2022
Honduran Coffee in Santa Rosa

Subida coffee is special, not just because of its supreme flavor and the greater organization’s role in educating and empowering youth. Most North Americans can’t shop for local coffee, and Subida is produced in a unique and exciting locale: Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras. Although Honduran coffee was previously used in blends, some growers are […]

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August 5, 2022
How Coffee Brings People Together

Few beverages bring people together like coffee. At a minimum, millions of people start their day with it. Many of them pep up slow or cold moments with a mug as well. Take as evidence of its popularity the fact that coffee only grows a few degrees north and south of the equator, yet people […]

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August 5, 2022
Subida Coffee Co. - Empowering Youth with Education

When a superior-tasting coffee is created for a great cause, everyone wins. Coffee doesn’t grow well in the US, outside of Hawaii and a few slivers of territory in California. The water could be put to better use there. Subida Coffee Co. produces gourmet coffee in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras. The coffee earnings help […]

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August 5, 2022
What Makes a Premium Coffee?

Superior quality coffee isn’t easy to craft. It’s a beverage that arrives to drinkers only after a long, controlled process. By taking pride in protecting the plant and bean from harm, and controlling its conditions and exposures via natural methods, a reliable, flavorful mug of coffee results. That premium coffee can be delivered to your […]

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August 5, 2022
Coffee’s History through the “Third Wave” and the Future

The history of coffee is an ancient one, stretching into the murky past where the stuff of legends are brewed. Mythologized origins blend with historical fact in a story that is still being written. As questions arise about the current (and future) state of coffee’s place in the world, it is worth considering its evolving […]

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The Subida Podcast

The journey from seed to cup!
8 episodes
Ensuring you have a fantastic cup of coffee is about attention to detail. Every step of the process is important and here at Subida Coffee we take that very seriously. Follow us along the journey from seed to cup. Learning each step of the process of Subida Coffee and how it all began!

The Men Of Moses Project

Ernesto came to the Moses Project when he was 14 years old and over the last 4 years it has had a powerful impact on his life. Ernesto is from a small city where opportunity is limited. Thanks to the Moses Project, he has acquired marketable skills in multiple agriculture fields. 

Ernesto quickly stood out as a leader among his peers and continues to thrive through his disciplined approach to life. 

About his time at the Moses Project Ernesto says, “It has been amazing because I have learned the value that I have. I am proud to be a part of the Project because it has made me a better person and taught me how to help others as well.”
Osmar is a driven young man who is dedicating himself to completing his high school education and learning as many trade skills as he can. When Osmar first heard about the Moses Project he knew he had to be a part of it. 

“I heard the information about the project over the radio and the next day I walked two hours in the early morning, in the rain, to fill out the interview”.

 Osmar doesn’t regret that two hour walk, and he continues today with that impressive drive and spirit. Osmar dreams of bettering his life and the lives of his family, and he is realizing that dream through his participation in the Moses Project.”
When David was 7 years old his mother died and a few years later his father was killed. David grew up in an Aldeas Infantiles SOS home (a Honduran non-profit organization working to maintain a family environment for kids who are apart from their families) of which he speaks fondly. 

When David was 18 he had to leave the program and began to search for what was next. He ended up interviewing for the Moses project and was accepted. 

About the project David says, “I have learned so much. I did not know what it meant to work the ground or use a machete. I didn’t know how to work with bees, which is what I have done since I have been here in the Project. I’ve also learned the process of coffee”. 

David spent his time at the Moses Project learning as much as he could about agriculture and during his time on the farm he stood out as a leader. After graduating, David was offered a full time position, which he accepted. We are so excited to have David on our team, using all he learned during his time as a student to benefit the project.”



Mayfair Church of Christ is a congregation of Christian believers serving the community of Huntsville, Alabama. With approximately 1500 members, Mayfair has a need and a desire to serve delicious coffee to those in attendance. We are glad that Mayfair has chosen to partner with us, and we hope that everyone who enjoys a cup of coffee there, feels the same.


The Artisan Café is a space focused on bringing together the community. It is a part of the Blue Ridge Artisan Center, which emphasizes the importance of local art and music. The Artisan Café offers high quality, handcrafted foods and a wide assortment of coffee beverages, each made with Subida coffee. We are proud to be a part of such a community-focused organization.


Camp Ch-Yo-Ca is a non-denominational Christian youth camp located in the piney woods of North Louisiana in Calhoun, near West Monroe. For over 50 years thousands of campers have come to Christ in deeper ways through their experiences at camp. It is our mission to provide a camp experience where young people can play excitedly, study intentionally, sing deliberately, and seek God wholeheartedly.
The coffee of Subida Coffee Co. is grown by the team at the Moses Project, a 120-acre commercial farm and agriculture training center in a small community outside of Santa Rosa de Copán.
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