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June 17, 2024
The History of Second-Wave Coffee

Coffee lovers and people in the coffee industry refer to three (and four) “waves of coffee” that denote changes in coffee drinking throughout North American history. There is “first wave coffee” and “second wave coffee.” Comparing the waves provides interesting insight into the rising standards of coffee, which were only possible when different coffees became […]

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June 11, 2024
Honduran Coffee and Other Honduran Exports

Honduras consistently ranks in the top 10 most voluminous coffee-growing countries. Recently, it has recovered much of its pandemic-based slump. Exploring the role of Honduras’ coffee growth in its economy shows how exciting one crop can be in determining the financial well-being of a country. Bearing in mind that coffee lacks nutritional value, this small […]

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December 28, 2023
Choosing Coffee Grown Sustainably

Coffee is a vital piece of the world’s agricultural puzzle. Coffee is popular widely and deeply. So much of the world’s population drinks it daily that coffee produced by environmentally conscious methods should take priority. Also, coffee grows in tropical places where the health of the forests helps determine the health of the planet. Tropical […]

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December 18, 2023
Importing Coffee from Honduras

If you’re considering importing coffee from Honduras, or have already started the paperwork, many steps and hurdles lie ahead on the path. Both Honduras and the importing country have requirements for the international movement of goods. It takes time, effort and capital to get set up to import coffee from Honduras. However, depending on your […]

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December 11, 2023
The Case for Choosing Single-Origin Coffee

Single-origin coffees deliver an exciting opportunity to experience the flavor of coffee from one area, at one time. They relay the specific growing conditions the beans experienced. Single origins distinguish themselves from other coffees in terms of geography, experiences and flavor. Traceability and unique tastes are the key to single origins’ popularity.  The Rise of […]

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December 4, 2023
Benefits of Ordering Coffee Online

In recent years, consumers’ increasing preference for online shopping has reshaped some segments of commerce.  While shifts in sales of clothing, groceries, books and toys get much of the attention, people are purchasing different coffees online for a number of interesting reasons. The expanded access to coffees via the Internet trumps the limited coffee options […]

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November 28, 2023
7 Interesting Coffee Cultures Worldwide

The world over, many countries love coffee. However, there is a set of countries worldwide that stand out as having a particular coffee culture. They either have a unique coffee history, a coffee preparation or drinking tradition, a passion for coffee, or a penchant for growing it. For this list, we’re showcasing countries that have […]

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November 24, 2023
History of the First Wave of Coffee

 If you’re interested in coffee, you may have heard of the second or third “wave” of coffee. Waves of coffee culture distinguish relationships between coffee drinkers and the world’s second favorite beverage. It didn’t always have such variety and transparency of sourcing. Nevertheless, US (and colonial) history does hold interesting points about coffee. When people […]

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November 22, 2023
5 Ways Coffee Can Improve Your Life

Coffee doesn’t just energize your life—it has the potential to change your life in a big way! If that sounds over the top, perhaps you haven’t considered the many benefits of drinking coffee as a group. Perhaps you aren’t aware of all of them. There are benefits to kickstarting so many activities with coffee. Be […]

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October 23, 2023
Returning to Hot Coffee in the Fall

With crisp temperatures, falling leaves and warmer clothes, cold coffee drinkers start transitioning to hot coffee. It can be time to leave behind iced coffee with its extra fixings like foam and sugary or syrupy flavoring. Many people switch to darker roasts and black coffee too. When you wish you could stay in the warmth […]

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The coffee of Subida Coffee Co. is grown by the team at the Moses Project, a 120-acre commercial farm and agriculture training center in a small community outside of Santa Rosa de Copán.
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